The Climate Revolution

Needs You

Empowering communities in climate activism

Our goal is to build an interdisciplinary team in order to initiate climate activism throughout New Jersey. We are policy writers, legislative aides, community activists, environmental organizers, poets, communicators, students, programmers, graphic designers, accountants, and more.

Whoever you are, you belong with us fighting the climate crisis.

What We Do

  • Advocacy

    We were born out of the need to engage with voters, legislators and government entities alike in tangible, non-performative ways. We collect data, present concepts and write bills that put marginalized communities at the forefront of environmental policy.

  • Environmental Education

    In order to build consensus, environmental issues affecting New Jersey must be shown in a straightforward and digestible manner. We make it a point of unpack big concepts that are holding our communities back, making the climate revolution accessible to anyone and everyone.

  • Training and Action

    There’s no better way to prepare the leaders of tomorrow than by empowering them today. Our youth-based leadership actively engages with folks on campuses and communities across New Jersey and plugs them into their fields of interest, regardless of level of experience.


Get Involved

  • Sign Up

    CRAN will listen to your interests and strengths, plugging you into the movement in concrete, tangible ways.

  • Upcoming Events

    We are constantly mobilizing young activists across New Jersey, online and in-person. Join us!

  • Register to Vote

    Gen Z has the power to shape the future, but it starts with showing up at the ballot box.

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